Saturday, August 25, 2018

An Orrian Treat, A Bowl of Poulty Tarragon Pasta


Spending time away from one's krewe can get pretty stressful at times, and this kitchen commander is no exception. For my krewe, cooking is what got us through the toughest challenges. Burning the midnight oil meant cooking, letting my cats "cook" for me (a prototype they called it, glitch I say!), or going skritt brained. Finding and cooking a moa was our go to solution.

While I hate to admit it, during the Battles for Orr, I felt the need to check up on my krewe from time to time... You know how it is, win a Snaff, and all of a sudden the Inquest want your plans and more.

Our Asura Gate built at Fort Trinity certainly helped, though it got harder the further into Orr we got. While back home getting some golem aid, I killed a few moas and brought quality Metrican poultry back with me.

At the camps, and even moreso at the Fort, we had the basics to work with, and canned pizza if you weren't culinarily inclined. Outside were some of the best herbs and spices you could harvest, quite the feat for a place literally spewing undeath from the ground.

It was here, on the battlefields of Orr, that I made my first Bowl of Tarragon Pasta, with fresh Orrian herbs, poultry that fed on the tastes of home.

First, the base of many a sauces, Roux.

Bowl of Roux

Equal parts
- Bag of Flour
- Stick of Butter

Melt a Stick of Butter (scaled to serving size) in saucepan.

Add flour per butter once melted.

Let cook at a lowmediumish you know by feel temperature (or ask the Master Chef in Rata Sum south of the Accountancy Ward) for about 5-10 minutes

Don't cook it longer than 10 minutes, this is a white sauce, not a dark nutty midnight oil burning sauce.

The flour is going to be key, it is what makes the emulsion work so smoothly, creating a creaminess between the butter and whatever else you put in it. You can make it thicker or thinner, to contrast the thickness of what you are adding to it. For this recipe you want a thicker roux.

Anyways, your roux should look something like this

Bowl of Tarragon Cream Sauce

- That Bowl of Roux you just made
- Bowl of Sour Cream
- Bowl of Herbed Poultry Stock
- Tarragon Leaves

Add the poultry stock, sour cream, and tarragon to roux, stir until texture is smooth. Add water as necessary (water can make the difference between a prototype and a success).

Bowl of Poultry Tarragon Pasta

- Pasta Noodles from the Black Lion Trading Company
- Bowl of Tarragon Cream Sauce
- Slab of Poultry Meat from whatever moa got between you and the Inquest

Cook pasta, plate, add cooked poultry tastefully onto noodles (better than this prototype), and top with sauce. If your attempt is any less than this prototype, consider taking up armorcrafting instead.

And trust me, you don't want to make your own pasta, its a pain without the help of a good golem (I recommend an A551-ST Mk 2 if you have to).

Instead, try pasta purchased through our sponsor, the Black Lion Trading Company!

Don't want to deal with the work yourself? Can't stand working with an A551-ST golem? BLTC has what you need, just ask a representative and they can have you connected to a product or solution in nanoseconds!

Well, here's my Bowl Plate of Poultry Tarragon Pasta, share yours down in the comments

Got a favourite dish? Maybe a kitchen experiment you'd like to see me try? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.

See you next week!


  1. Trust me, it tastes far better than it looks. Statistically speaking, this is what happens when you don't plate it right.

  2. Hi Mitsuhi! I purchased a strange device called a "Crockpot" from a shady guy in Divinity's Reach. Do you have any idea how to use it? Are there any Tyrian recipes I could use in it?

    1. Hi Mike, sorry I'm getting to this so late, finicky golem settings have me just seeing it now..

      If your temperature options are in the right range (Variable Energy golems are a personal favourite), you can actually do sous vide with it! There's a New Canthan place I know that uses simple plastic zip bags, brand name, to do sous vide before equipment was readily available.

      Tyrian recipes, Spiced Meat Chili comes to mind, but you can also use it in place of a stovetop pot for making soup stocks. Many of the stews and curries also lend themselves well to that kind of kitchen golem.

      Most recently, I used a long simmer to make the stock I mixed with Cream Soup Base for a Pot of Clam Chowder.

      Oh! Can't forget about pie fillings and jams!

      Really, anything you'd want to simmer over long periods of time
