Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Shadow of the Mad King Looms Over My Kitchen pt 2


This week I thought I would try something a bit different. Every year I look forward to a slice of Pumpkin Pie, but a certain sous chef had something I wanted to try.

I just love the way the spices come together in Pumpkin Pie Spice, with that autumn warmth. Nutmeg is my favourite part, but ginger brings a bit of freshness, cloves help balance the taste of the nutmeg, and cinnamon gives it its signature warmth. With infinitely different blends, it can take many years to strike the perfect balance.

Usually I make two things, but I really do want to get back to the festivities, so let's make this faster than a progeny can ask questions!

Pumpkin Pie

- Baked Sugar Pumpkin
- tsp Nutmeg, freshly ground
- tsp Cloves, ground
- tbsp ground Cinnamon
- tsp Ginger Root, ground
- Sugar to taste, brown ideally
- egg
- Ball of Dough

You'l want to have your A551-ST puree the Sugar Pumpkin, adding your Spices, Sugar, and Egg at this point as well. I like to also add black pepper.

Taste your mixture? Don't like it? Add more spices to taste, adjusting them one at a time with small quantities.

Be careful how much you add, too much of Nutmeg or Cloves will ruin the taste, and do you really want to be the bookah who brings a pie to the party, only to have everyone try to it feed the ranger's pet?

Once you are satisfied, you'll want to start working with your Ball of Dough. This ball is a bit different, you'll want to use more butter and less water. Roll it out, place in pie tray, and crimp edges trimming excess pie shell.

Bake at 491.15 Korrect, 218 Common, or 425 For bookahs for the first 15 minutes, then reduce to 449.15 Korrect, 176 Common, or 350 For bookahs for the remaining 35-60 minutes.

Once ready, let cool, and serve, ideally with a bit of whipped cream. Below is a slice for myself, and a slice for my Charr Kitchen Comrade.

In thee spirit of the season, I thought I would help sous chef Seimur Oxbone finish off his left over Chalices of Bloodstone Chili. Bloodstone foods are spooky, right? I don't understand why he keeps making this stuff though, there are no legitimate culinary applications of Bloodstone!

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See yoU nExt Time, and haVe a nIce day!

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